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Customer-centric pharma is a challenging road. But this is why it’s worth it

Customer-first organisation 30th January 2023
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In an exclusive cover story for Pharma Times, Harry Malcolm,  Principal Consultant at Rubica, shares insights of his first year working in the Life Science industry and why he’s been stunned by how so many organisations are structured by product; paralysed by compliance fear; escalate decisions away from customers and up the hierarchy; and rely on blunt sales metrics. 

But, despite all this, Harry stubbornly refused to believe that in an industry that cares so much about the people it’s serving, that there weren’t examples of their needs being put more in focus. So, he went looking for them…and found some great ones.

In the link below you can read about some inspiring organisations from inside and outside the Life Science industry that are challenging the status quo when it comes to customer centricity, along with some steps organistion’s can take to bring their customers even closer.

To learn more and read the full article as featured exclusively in Pharma Times, click here.