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operating model

Guide: Key things to consider and apply when you begin to implement your new operating model

About this guide

All too often we hear and witness organisations that have been through a comprehensive redesign of their operating model. It’s involved tough choices and changes in an attempt to achieve a strategic outcome. Yet post-redesign what was being sought hasn’t been achieved. This is invariably because critical areas haven’t been addressed in the change journey.

This downloadable guide will help you to overcome this challenge by sharing:

  1. The 5 key areas that are often overlooked but crucial to the successful implementation of a new operating model
  2. The key ‘moments’ of a change journey and how to leverage these when implementing a new operating model
  3. How to conduct a change impact assessment (CIA) – the crucial next step once you’ve selected a new operating model
  4. A change impact assessment (CIA) template to support you in building a comprehensive understanding of who, what and how things need to change to support your new operating model
  5. Practical next steps to take after conducting a change impact assessment

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