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Customer Experience in Pharma

Customer-first organisation 20th May 2020
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In recent years, the health provider landscape has changed dramatically. In response, the pharmaceutical industry has accepted the need for a new approach to Key Account Management – referred to as Key Account Excellence.

When Key Account Excellence is achieved, stronger, long-term and more meaningful relationships with a wider range of customers exist – shifting a medicine provider up the value chain to ‘business partner’ status. The belief is that by creating a different level of relationship with customers, pharmaceutical companies are able to stay competitive and sustainable while also creating greater benefits for the health systems they operate in.

Achieving Key Account Excellence however has proven challenging. It is a transformative process, which requires a refocus of energy and resources. To help understand where to focus effort, Rubica has developed a structured Key Account Excellence programme and framework (Fig 1).


The first of the principles within this framework is ‘Prioritisation of Accounts’, this is when enough insight exists to prioritise key accounts and develop plans that will maximise opportunities and deliver worthwhile results for all involved.

To understand more about the ‘Prioritisation of Accounts’ principle and ways to achieve it, our Key Account Excellence specialists have developed a short guide. To read the full guide, just complete the form below.

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