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Building formal support mechanisms to build team resilience

Leading & managing change 10th June 2020
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Our database shows that only 48% of team members feel able to anticipate and adapt to changing priorities. Yet today – where uncertainty reigns supreme – the need to be agile and respond ‘in the moment’ is proving more crucial than ever before:

Your business context is and will remain uncertain. But if you get moving now, you can ride the waves of uncertainty instead of being overpowered by them.

Deloitte, 2020

When a team feel able to support one another to respond to changing circumstances and priorities, it shows a high degree of resilience, and forms 1 of the 4 team resilience building blocks (Fig.1):

Informed by our team resilience workshops, we’ve developed a video and toolkit for establishing formal support mechanisms that will build a team’s resilience. In this free downloadable video and accompanying toolkit (below), we share insights on:

  • What creates a highly resilient team
  • How to actively encourage an ongoing dialogue around pressure and work demands
  • Ways to create formal support mechanisms so team members feel supported and able to support one another

To access your free copy of the video and toolkit, complete the form below.

Complete the form to watch this video

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Our 'Improve Your Team Resilience Calls' explore ways to effectively boost your team's resilience right now.

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*Source: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/bubbles-pop-downturns-stop