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company culture

Changing a company culture

A suite of videos sharing insights on where to start and how to change company culture.

Company culture can have a huge influence on organisational performance. It is the one vital ingredient that can support an organisation in both surviving and thriving in even the most testing of times. In this suite of bitesize, downloadable videos you’ll discover:

  1. How our own behaviours – both conscious and subconscious – affect and shape an organisation’s culture, which in turn influences an organisation’s performance.
  2. How to begin changing a company culture and why it is imperative that the change is born out of strategic need so that people recognise there is a compelling and urgent reason for it.
  3. How to start embedding your newly formed culture by applying some practical ideas.

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About the speaker

Caroline is Director of Culture and Engagement at Rubica. Her work sees her supporting leaders to create organisational understanding, belief and the behavioural shifts that are necessary for change to happen and last so it transforms a business.

Learn more about Caroline