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collaborating for change

Collaborating for change

Achieving any change requires people to work together, this programme ensures your people are aligned, supporting one another and pulling in the same direction.

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

Michael Jordon

Working together to deliver change

Seeking a way to get your people working together to deliver a strategic outcome?

Want every individual to feel they can play to their strengths?

Looking to break down limiting factors that compromise timely responses to situations?

About this programme

Success in achieving significant organisational change requires people to work together.

But existing ways of working often act against the collaboration required. Team members may be pulling in different directions. Uneven workloads prevent people playing to their strengths. Bureaucracy and hierarchical decision-making compromise timely responses. Lack of experience in collaborating across teams, functions, or regions also manifests into siloed working, turf wars, function-first mindsets, and remuneration systems favouring individual performance.

What this programme focuses on

Rubica’s programme helps build skill and confidence in a number of capabilities including: realising a team vision and team charters that are explicit about the direction of travel, the agreed priorities, and how work will get done; developing self-leadership within a cross-functional, matrix, or hybrid working structure; building and maintaining team resilience; exercising influence without authority to build coalitions and commitment; and cultivating an agile approach to thinking and working.

Results this programme delivers

Ultimately, the programme helps organisations to drive change and achieve strategic outcomes that are only achievable by working together genuinely and robustly.

To find out more about our collaborating for change programme, contact us by clicking the link below.

Contact us