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change management

Change Management Consulting

Leading & managing change

Equipping you with what’s needed so change happens quickly and delivers what it promised.

Change before you have to.

-Jack Welch

Looking to effectively manage change?

Worried that the changes you need are moving too slowly or won’t happen?

Feeling like the change isn’t clear or there isn’t enough commitment to make it a reality?

Want to help stretched people managers lead the most important changes that need to happen?

About our change programmes

In today’s world, constant change within organisations is the norm. It may be transformational, or an ongoing process of continuous improvement. Whatever form change takes, however, leaders need to be equipped to manage its impact, building their organisation’s adaptivity, responsiveness, and resilience.

In many cases there’s an urgent need to develop leaders’ capability. In others there’s a desire to create or formalise a consistent approach to change management.

Rubica are specialists in change management consulting, and offer a variety of programmes that build the capability to lead, manage and adapt to change effectively.

To learn more, check out our suite of programmes below – they are all designed to help lead and manage change effectively.

Change management | Programme

Change management case studies

Adopting a customer-centric way of working

A case study on how we helped Novartis encourage teams in high-potential markets to adopt a more customer-centric way of working.


Delivering excellence to customers

A case study on how we helped Sanofi shift mind-sets and ways of working to a more customer-centric approach.

All case studies

Rubica’s expertise in organisational change, combined with the ability to balance both the emotional and operational aspects of change, has enabled us to navigate with foresight and confidence into a major new phase in our company’s future.

Sarah Mathew, Joint CEO, Virgo Healthcare  
manage change

Looking to better manage change?

Find out how we can help you to best manage change that needs to happen.