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communicating for change

Communicating for change

Developing the capabilities of an organisation and its leaders to use communication as an effective enabler of change.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

George Bernard Shaw

Awaken appetite for change through communication

Seeking a way for leaders, teams and individuals to feel wholly involved with a change?

Want to create connection and motivation for change?

How can you ensure your message around change is acted upon?

About this programme

It’s well accepted that successful communication is the key to leading and managing change.

But often the focus is entirely on the message (what is changing and why) and pays less attention to how leaders and employees are communicating with one another. This ignores the decisive impact of the way we design and do communications, which is of particular importance when a change involves behavioural and mindset shifts (as it always does).

Effective communication can awaken a real appetite for change. A failure of communication can slow things down or even totally derail the plan.

Getting it right requires a holistic view of an organisation’s formal and informal communication channels. If leaders want teams and individuals to feel involved and connected to the organisation’s new direction, it’s crucial to understand how they access information and make sense of what’s being asked of them. By providing enough space to process information and consider emotional responses, leaders can ensure that communication is empowering and engaging, not confusing or distracting, and well-integrated with other internal communications.

What this programme focuses on

Rubica’s programme develops the capabilities of the organisation and its leaders to use communication as an effective enabler of change, building their understanding, insights, tools, and skills to accelerate successful change and to support its progress.

To find out more about our work in communicating change, contact us by clicking the link below.

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